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Question & Answer for Law Exams

1. whether the pendency of a suit in a foreign court will preclude the courts in India from trying a suit founded on the same cause of action?
Ans.  NO.

2. In the case of public nuisance  a suit for declaration and injunction may be institute by ?
Ans. Two persons with the leave of the court .

3. where the defendant is confined in a prison, the summons shell be served :-
Ans. By delivery of the summons to the Officer incharge of the prison for service on the defendant.

4.The plaint shall be rejected in the following ground also? 
Ans.where it is not filed in 2 copies.

5. where the defendant appears and the plaintiff dose not appear when the suit is called for hearing and where a part of the claim is admitted the court shall:-
Ans. Dismiss  the suit so far as it the remainder.
6. If sufficient cause is shown by the parties for adjourn the hearing of the case the court shall not adjourn the case more than :-
Ans. Three

7. In every case the examination in Chief Shall be :-
Ans. On affidavit

8.Where a suit abates or dismissed u/o 22 of CPC on the same cause of action :-
Ans. No fresh suit shall be brought.

9. Alate a farm to B pn condition that he shall walk hundred miles in an hour :-
Ans.  The lease is void.

10. Universal donee is :-
Ans. Donee is personally  liable for all debts to liabilities existing at time of gift.

11. Pagree means :-
Ans. Premium or case received  or claimed in addition to rent.

12. Member of family is :-
Ans. Unmarried sister.

13. Who can take cognizances mentioned u/s 44 of the Accommodation Control Act:-
Ans. First class Magistrate.

14. Rent means as defined in  sec 2(1) in C.G.Land Revenue Coder :-
Ans. Money or kind payable on account of land .

15. Within how many period a person who lawfully acquired the right in land shall report to the revenue deptt:-
Ans. 6 months.

16. Who can correct the errors in rights which the parties admit:-
Ans. S.D.O.

17. When a transfer of land is done by a tribe then who can application u/s 170 A of land  revenue coder:-
Ans. By the seller only.

18. Tanant cannot  sue against sub- tenant why :-
Ans. As no permission taken from landlord .

19.  If not specific place is agreed regarding payment of rent between landlord and tenant then the tenant will pay the rent:-
Ans. In the residential house of the landlord .

20.  Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other :-
Ans. Is an agreement.
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