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Question & Answer for Law Exams

1. whether the pendency of a suit in a foreign court will preclude the courts in India from trying a suit founded on the same cause of action?
Ans.  NO.

2. In the case of public nuisance  a suit for declaration and injunction may be institute by ?
Ans. Two persons with the leave of the court .

3. where the defendant is confined in a prison, the summons shell be served :-
Ans. By delivery of the summons to the Officer incharge of the prison for service on the defendant.

4.The plaint shall be rejected in the following ground also? 
Ans.where it is not filed in 2 copies.

5. where the defendant appears and the plaintiff dose not appear when the suit is called for hearing and where a part of the claim is admitted the court shall:-
Ans. Dismiss  the suit so far as it the remainder.
6. If sufficient cause is shown by the parties for adjourn the hearing of the case the court shall not adjourn the case more than :-
Ans. Three

7. In every case the examination in Chief Shall be :-
Ans. On affidavit

8.Where a suit abates or dismissed u/o 22 of CPC on the same cause of action :-
Ans. No fresh suit shall be brought.

9. Alate a farm to B pn condition that he shall walk hundred miles in an hour :-
Ans.  The lease is void.

10. Universal donee is :-
Ans. Donee is personally  liable for all debts to liabilities existing at time of gift.

11. Pagree means :-
Ans. Premium or case received  or claimed in addition to rent.

12. Member of family is :-
Ans. Unmarried sister.

13. Who can take cognizances mentioned u/s 44 of the Accommodation Control Act:-
Ans. First class Magistrate.

14. Rent means as defined in  sec 2(1) in C.G.Land Revenue Coder :-
Ans. Money or kind payable on account of land .

15. Within how many period a person who lawfully acquired the right in land shall report to the revenue deptt:-
Ans. 6 months.

16. Who can correct the errors in rights which the parties admit:-
Ans. S.D.O.

17. When a transfer of land is done by a tribe then who can application u/s 170 A of land  revenue coder:-
Ans. By the seller only.

18. Tanant cannot  sue against sub- tenant why :-
Ans. As no permission taken from landlord .

19.  If not specific place is agreed regarding payment of rent between landlord and tenant then the tenant will pay the rent:-
Ans. In the residential house of the landlord .

20.  Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other :-
Ans. Is an agreement.


Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test Exam Result 2011

Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (R.T.E.T.) Exam result 2011 have announced on August 28, 2011 by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education ( RBSE), Ajmer. The result of RTET 2011 is available on the Official website of RBSE's website for Result follow the below links of Websites.

 RTET Examination Result 2011                Click Here

RTET Examination Result 2011                 Click Here

Some Important Definitions (Related to R.J.S. Exam)

From the Subject of " The Scheduled Castes and The Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 "

1. Atrocity :-  According to section 2 (a) SC/STs Act 1989 atrocity means an offence punishable under section 3.
2. Code :- means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).
3. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes :  Shall have the meanings assigned to them respectively under Clause (24) and Clause (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution.
4. Special Court :  Means a Court of Session specified as a Special Court in Section 14.
5. Special Public Prosecutor :  Means a Public Prosecutor specified as a Special Public Prosecutor or an advocate referred to in Section 15.


Rajasthan Judiciary Service (R.J.S.) Examination Schedule

The competitive examination for the post of the recruitment to the post of Civil Judge shall be conducted by Recruiting Authority in two stages i.e. Preliminary Examination and Main Examination as per the scheme specified in Schedule - IV. The marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidate who declared qualified for admission to the main examination will not be counted for determinig their final merit.
The number of candidate to be admitted to the main examination will be fifteen times the total number of vacancies (category wise) to be filled in the year but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same precentage of  marks as may be fixed by the Recruiting Authority for any lower range will be admitted to the main examination.
On the basis of marks secured in the main examination, candidate to the extent of three times of total number of vacancies (category wise) shall be declared qualified to be called for interview.
The Competitive examination of recruitment to the post of Civil Judge shall consist of :-
                                  1.   Preliminary Examination ( Objective Type)
                                  2.   Main Examination  (I)      Written / Subjective Type
                                                                            (II)     Interview

Priliminary Examination :- The Preliminary Examination shall be an objective type examination in which 70% weightage will be given to the subjective prescribed in syllabus for Law Paper - I and Law Paper - II and 30% weightage shall be given to the test proficiency in Hindi and English Language. The marks obtained in the preliminary examintion shall not be counted towards the final selection.

Main Examination :-  The main examination shall consist of following subjects :-
                                  1.       Law Paper - I                       100 Marks                                Time 3 Hours

                                 2.        Law Paper - II                      100 Marks                                Time 3 Hours

                                 3.        Language Paper
                                                  Paper- I Hindi Essay                   50 Marks                Time 2 Hours
                                                  Paper- II English Essay              50 Marks                Time 2 Hours

                                4.        Interview                                             35 Marks

Law Paper - I Syllabus :-  

  • Constitution of India
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Law of Contract and Partnership
  • Law of Torts and Easements
  • Law of Moter Accident Claims
  • Law of Arbitration and Conciliation
  • Rent Contol Law and Revenue Law in Rajasthan
  • Law of Specific Relief
  • Hindu Law
  • Muslim Law
  • Law on Transfer of Property
  • Law of Limitation
  • Law relating to Lok Adalats and Permanent Lok Adalats
  • Law related to Domestic Violence
  • General Rule (Civil) and Judgment Writing

Law Paper - II :-

  •  Criminal Procedure Code
  • Law of Evidence
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
  • Criminal Law related to Protection of SC/STs
  • Law on Juvenile Delinquency
  • Law of Probation
  • Law relating to Dishonour of Cheques
  • Law relating to Electricity Theft
  • Law related to Cyber Crimes
  • General Rules (Criminal) and Judgment Writing
Paper -I and Paper -II is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in civil and criminal law and procedure e.g. framing issues and charges and writing out the judgment etc. in Civil and Criminal Cases.

Language (Paper - I Hindi Syllabus) :-  Essay writing and Grammar.
Language (Paper - II English Syllabus) :-  Essay writing, Translation from English to Hindi and vice versa and Grammar

It shall be compulsory to appear, in every paper of written test, and also before the Interview Board for viva-voce.

Special classification of crops

Arable crops  :  which require preparatory tillage e.g. potato , tobacco , rice , sugarcane ,maize etc.
Alley crops  :  such arable crops which are grown in alley/ passages formed by trees or shrubs , established mainly to hasten soil fertility restoration , enhance soil productivity and reduce  soil erosion. e.g. sweet potato , urd , turmeric , ginger are grown in the passage formed by th rows of Eucalyptus , subabool , cassia.
Augmenting crops  :  such crops are grown to supplement the yields of the main crops e.g. Japanese mustered with berseem.
Border crops  :  such crops help to product another crops from trespassing of animal or restrict the speed of wind and re mainly grown  as border e.g. safflower is planted around the field of chick pea.
Cash crops  :  such crops are grown for sale to earn hard cash e.g. Jute Cotton Tobacco Sugarcane.
Catch crops :  Such crops are cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when crop is failed e.g. Green gram , urd , cowpea ,onion ,radish etc
Commercial crops  :  such crops are grown for earn money e.g. Jute , cotton  tobacco .
Cover crops  :  Able to product the soil surface from erosion through their ground covering foliage e.g. lobia , groundnut ,urd
Ley  crops  :  Any crops or combination of crops is grown for grazing or harvesting for immediate or future feeding to livestock e.g. berseem ,mustered .
Nurse crop : such crops help in the nourishment of other crops by providing  shade and acting as climbing sticks e.g. rai in peas , jowar in cowpea .
Silage crops : such crops are grown to preserve in pits in succulent condition by a process  of natural fermentation or accidification for feeding livestocks during lean month or offseason e.g. cowpea , jowar etc.

Taxonomic classification of crops

1.Poaceae (Graminae) or Grass Family : Cereals,Sugercane, Napier, Paragrass.
2.Papilionaceae (legumiosae) or Pea family : Pulses,Legumes,Groundnut,Sunnhemp.
3.Cruciferae / Mustered family : Mustered, Radish, Cabbage, Cauliflower , Knolkhol.
4.Cucurbitaceae / Gourd family : All gourds (e.g. bottle, bitter gourd ) , Cucumber, Pumpkin.
5.Malvaceae / Cotten family : Cotten, Bhindi, Roselle.
6. Solanaceae / Brinjal family : Brinjal, Potato, Tomato, Tobacco, Chillies.
7.Tiliaceae : Jute, Phalsa.
8. Asteraceae  (Compositae) : Sunflower ,Safflower ,Niger.
9. Chenopodiaceae : Spiach , Beet , Sugerbeet.
10.Pedaliaceae : Sesame
11.Euphoriaceae : Castor, Tapoca.
12. Convolvaceae : Sweetpotato.
13. Umbelliferae : Coriander , Comin , Carret .
14. Aliaceae : Onian ,Garlic .
15. Zingiberaceae : Ginger , Turmeric.


Sustaniable Agriculture

The concept of sustainable agriculture has come up because yields from modern farming techniques reaching  a plateau and environmental problems due to excessive use of chemicals and fertilizers and pesticides residues in food chain.Sustainable agriculture is that form of farming which produces sufficient food to needs of present generation without eroding the ecological assets and productivity of life supporting system of future generations. Natural Farming is an excellent illustration of sustainable Agriculture. It is also known as ecological farming or Organic farming or Permaculture. It is also called eco farming  because ecological balance is given importance and organic farming because organic matter is the main sources for nutrient management. It is a system of cultivation with use of manures ,crop rotation minimal tillage. Sustainable agriculture also involve agroforestary and multi-level cultivation and integrated animal husbandry. The term sustainability denotes the characteristic of a process thats can be maintained indefinitely and sustainable use of the eco system refers to making use of the system without impairing its capacity for renewals or generations.
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